Credit: Harlem World 12/26/23
Thank You, Governor Hochul!
Now, Let's Ensure Social, Educational, and Economic Justice:
What does this mean?
The bill aims to establish a dyslexia and dysgraphia task force and implement the findings.
Experts, parents, and stakeholders can advise the panel and help lay down policies that will then (eventually) be implemented at public schools. This act starts on January 1st and will end on August 1st, 2025. So, let us hope that over the next 18 months, we finally get some sane education policy.
It means we need to take action! Tell your story (see link below).
The bill aims to establish a dyslexia and dysgraphia task force and implement the findings.
Experts, parents, and stakeholders can advise the panel and help lay down policies that will then (eventually) be implemented at public schools. This act starts on January 1st and will end on August 1st, 2025. So, let us hope that over the next 18 months, we finally get some sane education policy.
It means we need to take action! Tell your story (see link below).
- Examine effective evidence-based screening methods.
- Examine effective interventions and support for K-5th Grade
- The Commissioner of Education will Chair
- The Commissioner will appoint ten members to represent all regions of New York State. Members will include (a)Two psychologists who are experts at evaluating dyslexia/dysgraphia, (b) One expert instructor, (c)One parent of a student with dyslexia or dysgraphia, (d) One member with dyslexia/dysgraphia, (e) One member from higher education (f) One public school teacher.
- Two public hearings so that parents, stakeholders, and other experts can submit input.
- At the conclusion (after 18 months), the task force will submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the Governor, Assembly, and Senate.