Evaluations + Testing
Battery of Tests used to Evaluate Dyslexia (Credit Dyslexia Help)
- Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals -5 (CELF-5)
- Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (CASL)
- Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing -2 (CTOPP-2)
- Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test -4 (EOWPVT-4)
- Gray Oral Reading Test -5 (GORT-5)
- Gray Silent Reading Test (GSRT)
- Rapid Automatic Naming/Rapid Automatic Stimulus (RAN/RAS)
- Test of Auditory Processing Skills (TAPS)
- Test of Early Written Language (TEWL)
- Test of Pragmatic Language (TOPL)
- Test of Written Language -4 (TOWL-4)
- Test of Written Spelling -5 (TWS-5)
- Woodcock Reading Mastery Test (WRMT)
- Word Test
WIAT-III (Wechsler Individual Achievement Test®-Third Edition )
There is a Fourth Edition now too...
What is the WIAT?The WIAT Test (Wechsler Individual Achievement Test) is an individually administered achievement test that takes about 30 to 90 minutes. Specifically the WIAT is used to measure the strengths and weaknesses of your child, so that the school may determine need for special support or notice stand-out skills in specific areas for gifted and talented programs, especially for children who are twice exceptional (refers to intellectually gifted children who have some form of disability). It is used for ages 4 years and up.
Dyslexia subtypes according to the Feifer Assessment of Reading
According to the Feifer Assessment of Reading (FAR) dyslexia is a neurologically based learning difference that presents as weaknesses in neuropathways that effect skills needed for reading, spelling and in some cases comprehension. In reality dyslexia is on a spectrum, and students will have a mixture of reading issues.
It can be helpful to look at the weaknesses individually. |
DysphoneticDysphonetic or phonological dyslexia - this is when students struggle to break down (decode) the individual sounds of a word. They will also find it hard to match a sound to a symbol (letter or group of letters). This is the most common dyslexia subtype. |
DyseideticOr surface dyslexia - the imprint of sight words and irregular words are a real challenge to memorize. As these words do not sound the way they are spelled, students need to memorize these imprints in an alternative multi-sensory way. Also known as “surface,” “visual,” or“orthographic” dyslexia. |
ComprehensionA student seems to read, code and decode perfectly well. However, their comprehension is extremely weak. Their weakness is based in the sensory system in creating an imaged gestalt. They maybe be good at reading. However, they do not picture a story in their minds eye. Non-dyslexic people have images or a movie going (imaged gestalt) when they read or are read to - they use this as a tool to comprehend when they read or are read to. |
Mixed Two or more dyslexia subtypes.
To investigate reading weaknesses, specific skills should be evaluated:
- Phonological processing
- Phonological memory
- Orthographic processing
- Orthographic memory
- Rapid automatic naming
The Feifer Assessment of Reading is an example of one test that assesses these skills. However, a whole battery of tests are needed to complete the picture - each reading skill must be carefully analyzed.
Dyslexia Advocacy Action Group endorses all science-based based (structured literacy) remediation approaches. However, programs or approaches that remediate dyslexia must include components that address weaknesses in specific skills that make reading difficult. Recent scientific studies, MRI imaging and research that started in the 1960's indicate that the approach or program needs to demonstrate explicit, direct, sequential, cumulative and intensive focus on structure of language. At the same time approaches need to simultaneously incorporate multi-sensory techniques when demonstrating or working on any part of the structure of language. It is critical to cement phonological awareness (recognize and enunciate the sounds in words), being able to read phonetically is a huge milestone. This is a foundational skill that everyone needs in order to read - but not all teachers know how or spend long enough allowing students to become fully experienced in this area.
It is critical that teachers participate in practicum sessions with a trained and experienced mentor. Mentoring is the safeguard for best teaching practices and is vital for teaching to fidelity.
It is critical that teachers participate in practicum sessions with a trained and experienced mentor. Mentoring is the safeguard for best teaching practices and is vital for teaching to fidelity.
What about Writing & Problems with Organizing Information?
We thoroughly recommend The Writing Revolution (TWR) for students with dyslexia, regular and gifted students! TWR has a range of accessible, well thought out strategies and was created by Judith Hochman at The Windward School (a school specializing in dyslexia). Instruction starts at the sentence-level, though older students can begin where they need to and follow up on the sentence level strategies to build their skills. This program has strategies for advanced students and is recommended for any college preparation classes.
Tutor Interview Tip:For a student that is reading a year or more below grade level, one whole school period (40 minutes at least) or one hour per day. Students who are a few years behind may benefit from twice a-day (morning and afternoon) and will make faster progress. When you are interviewing a tutor or your school is hiring an outside tutor ask: -When they had their last training / what date was their original training? -Have they been continuously practicing? -Did they receive follow-up mentoring or complete the practicum? -Request testaments from other students/parents of students |
Getting Multi-Sensory Structured Literacy at Your SchoolEncourage cooperation and research teacher training - what are the options? You, as the parent, and the school ultimately want your child to succeed. Be assertive, but put emotions to one side and think of other children in the same position as your child at the school-speak for them. Bring a friend or advocate to CSE meetings as it can be an intimidating process.
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