Speak Up for Literacy New York
Fill in the data-blanks here!
1. Download "Economic Cost of Failure to Teach Reading" *NY2019 data sheet from the Education Consumers Foundation:
Find the data in a few short steps!
Click HERE and it will bring you to ECF's Economic Cost of Failure to Teach Reading calculator
1. On the "State" drop-down menu click on "NY 2019"
2. On the County - select your county
3. On the district - select your district
4. on school - select "District Wide"
5. Then click on "Brief Report"
6. Download the PDF and you are ready to go!
Or watch this short video, on how to get the report and add the data...
2. Download the 3-minute script and brochure here (and input data):
3. Download the bar charts for reading levels by county + grade progression...NYC data coming soon!
Watch "how to" video and click image on right to go to our data website:
Go to "GITHUB" Reading Data Website
4. Check that you have 6-parts in your packet:
- Education Consumer Reports (ECR) data sheet "Economic Cost of Failure to Teach Reading"
- The Speak Up brochure with the data from ECR filled in
- The Speak Up script with the ECR data (short version)
- The Speak Up script with the ECR data (long version)
- Bar charts of reading levels by county (NYC coming soon)
- District grade progression charts (NYC coming soon)
How to Fold & Staple the Packet After Printing:
A. Fold the brochure so the outer thirds fold toward the middle (like a folding wallet), with the Speak Up for Literacy title (with your data) as the front cover.
B. Open the brochure and lay it flat in landscape orientation inside-facing out on the table.
C. Lay the ECF sheet and charts face-up on top of the brochure, ensuring that all the bar charts are the correct way up.
D. Line the sheets up and staple the top right-hand corner.
E. Fold everything again following the fold lines of the brochure.