If you wish to do the evaluation independently from your school district (or need the school district to get a better evaluation), you will find that there are many educational psychologists who claim to be qualified.
Most educational psychologists and the majority of school psychologists do not know how to or refuse to evaluate for dyslexia- it is not part of their training.
An Educational Evaluation..critical if a child needs services at school
Request this through the school, if they say they have already conducted an evaluation but, it did not test for dyslexia you can still request an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE)...see Wright's Law for details... Wright's Law....www.wrightslaw.com/info/test.iee.steedman.htm
Quality Assurance
Seek Advice from - NYS Special Education Quality Assurance (sometimes that can be helpful) - they can investigate but they cannot demand that your District uses a science-based program. However, it is worth reporting any districts that refuse to educate children with disabilities.
Long Island: 631-952-3352
NYS: 631-884-8530
USA Department of Special Education: Dyslexia Guidance
Read a letter regarding dyslexia, dysgraphia etc. that was sent to all school districts - here
No Trained Teachers in Your School District?
We may be able to help by meeting with the head of Special Education at your school district - otherwise go to "Step Three" and meet with an attorney etc..
Battery of Tests that Determine if a Child is at Risk of Dyslexia An evaluation for dyslexia takes approximately 3.5 hours Currently we are researching educational psychologists on Long Island and seeking permission to list... please get in touch if you need a recommendation!